Compelling Creative
in Synch with Technology™
in Synch with Technology™
We are an Akron-area Digital Media Marketing Agency specializing in Web Design, Video Production, Content Marketing, Online Marketing and TV advertising.
Digital Media Services
Our services include website design, online marketing, Content Marketing, Social Media, Video Production and TV Advertising. We create compelling creative to capture your customers no matter where they are. We utilize a variety of tools including SEO, SEM, and Display Advertising to create an effective Online Marketing Campaign. We are New Media for Old School Success.
Watch Digital Media Services Overview Video.
Why work with DigitalHipster?
We’re a group of artists at heart who all share a passion for music, technology and design. Yeah, we’re kinda geeks.
When you work with DigitalHipster, you are not hiring just a geek who knows his way around the technical aspects of web development or a graphic designer who can create a great looking website (but neglects crucial backend development and SEO factors). You’re hiring a digital marketing company that gets the “Hipster” element of creativity and defining what sets you apart from your competitor that’s crucial for real online marketing results. While our “Hipster” side loves coming up with creative website design elements and cool video production, our strategic “Digital” side takes the time to research and understand what makes your company tick and most importantly, who your customers are. Then we put on our geek hats and go to work.
Creative without strategy is called 'Art,' Creative with strategy is called 'Advertising. -Renowned Advertising Professor, Jef l Richards
When we work with a client for an online marketing campaign, website design or video production project; we take into account how the “Digital” connects to the “Hipster.” Our team makes sure the technical aspects such as tracking your Online ROI and executing a cost-effective online or TV advertising campaign fit consistently with the message of your brand and the aesthetic qualities that matches your target audience. The days of running ads in the newspaper and expecting the same results you got even five years ago are over. If you’re not getting most of your business from digital marketing (Social Media, Organic Search, Paid Search and/or online video ads), give us a call @ 330-331-7189 or request a free initial consultation to find out how we can help grow your business’s online presence like we’ve done for our clients over the past decade.
Our Skills
From creative concept to campaign execution, we're well versed in all things digital to help our clients realize their full online potential.
Video Shooting
Writing Expertise
Video Editing
A True Digital Marketing Family
As a local Akron-area family-owned digital marketing agency, we literally eat, sleep and breathe digital marketing together.

Matt Ross, President
When he’s not deep in code and cranking music, or trying to keep up with the latest Google Algorithm, Matt is gardening, mountain biking, writing for fun or being a guinea pig for his wife’s yoga instruction. For the 15 years prior to launching DigitalHipster Inc., Matt Ross, our President worked as a Senior Advertising Account Executive and Integrated Sales Director for major television stations and newspapers in the Cleveland, Phoenix and Las Vegas markets. He has successfully planned, sold and executed millions of dollars in innovative multi-platform advertising campaigns consisting of television commercials, web video, content integration, multi-carrier mobile WAP sites, print ads, and radio.
In Las Vegas, he was the Integrated Sales Manager for KLAS TV 8 (CBS) where he helped develop cost-effective online advertising campaigns across the three screen (mobile,TV and web).
Matt says, “During my years working in broadcast and print media, I learned how to gather real-time advertising response rates and develop cost-effect creative that works for my clients. By working for over a decade on the sales side with millions of dollars of advertising revenue, I learned how to spot bargains for my clients and see what worked and what didn’t. We’re not just a team of graphic designers, or artists that take chances with your ad budget. We have real advertising experience across all the major advertising channels.”
Wendy Ross, Creative Director
Wendy Ross is usually outside with a camera aimed at a flower when she’s not passionately coming up with layouts for new websites or she’s knee deep in designing ads. She has been building websites, working in Photoshop and specializing in WordPress and WooCommerce professionally since 2010.
Prior to working for DigitaHipster Inc., Wendy first worked in the insurance industry as a marketing assistant. Once her first son was born, she was an active stay-at-home mom volunteering in the Preschool PTA, WHYS and until the boys went to school where she was a substitute teacher. For the past several years, she’s been following her passion for Yoga and has been a Yoga instructor since 2020.